I'm not really on here anymore.

Alec Silverman @Fezz

Age 30, Male




Joined on 2/12/06

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happy birthday!. also lord of the ass is the black version....just mentioning

I lol'd.


That's my KeithHybrid impersonation. Pretty good eh?

Oh MY!


Hahahaha fucking win.

Well he is EVERYTHING, right?

That made me lol so damn hard.

Holy fuck.

took a while before I saw the real title.

Are you so insecure in your position with the universe that you feel the need to defile the good name of a historical and religious figure simply for a laugh? Just to feel good about yourself and what you believe[or don't believe] in?

Are you so Hell bent against a discipline that probably contridicts your way of life that you can't help but put it down in every way you can?

You really think God is just an illusion? Maybe it's your world that's the illusion. We do naturally produce DMT in our brains, on of the most potent natural hallucinogens on this Earth. You ever try Salvia?[I kinda doubt you have, as you're 15, it's starting to be made illegal in alot of places, and you have to be 18 to buy it.] It's another potent hallucinogen. Some pretty convincing shit.

Almost makes you feel like you die only to be born in a different part of the universe, far from here. Though, in reality it lasts only five minutes, sometimes it almost feels like you live an entire lifetime somewhere else, and you temporarily forget the life you lived before. Like it was only some vivid dream. Then, the "real world" comes back to you, and you're drenched in sweat, slowly regaining your memory and normal conciousness.

In a way, it's the kinda shit that you really learn something from. Loads better than, say, Direct TV. It makes you question your existance, then you realize the only reason you exist is because of God, and it really isn't so bad to do good in the world after all. It's actually pretty enjoyable. Imagine that.

But I suppose you have a right to believe He is an illusion. I guess you can believe in an infinate universe beyond our imagination without knowing God, even if it doesn't make much sense...

Obvious troll is obvious.


Obvious ignorance is obvious. :]

Either that or I just can't believe that someone is that offended by a 15 year-old that they must post six paragraphs on why it made them hurt inside. I'm dearly sorry. Can you say a prayer for me?

Thats funny..

Lmao, I'm not hurt. I just think it's stupid. Yeah, you're 15. You don't even understand the concept of God, probably never will by the looks of it. I was there once. I didn't believe in God for the longest time. I eventually started doing stuff "because I could", as "there wasn't a Hell". I soon found out the hard way... It doesn't matter if you believe in Him or not, consequences are real. He will punish you if you fuck up, one way or the other. "Oh, well he isn't real, how will he punish me." you say. Heheheh...

I would say a prayer for you, but you don't believe in that kinda stuff. Wouldn't do any good. I am the one, however, who made your profile picture. You keep that to remember me by. ;P

I'm not hurt. I still believe in God, and am very content in where I'm going with my life. I was just saying. It's part of my beliefs to let people "hear the good news". Then again, when they don't want to listen, another part requires me to "dust my feet and move on". So, you don't have to worry about me bothering you any further.

See you around on the BBS or something, man. ;)